Saturday, December 8, 2012

Remember These Nights...

Lately, all I've been doing is thinking and reflecting. Remembering and reflecting.  And reflecting.  A week from today I will walk across the stage and receive my Bachelor's degree (a fake one though...I still have 3 finals after the ceremony).  3 1/2 years of college has taught me lots and this blog is for sharing my memories of that time and new thoughts as I navigate through the next chapter in my life.

Tonight I crossed an item off of my list of things to do in St. Louis...go and see the zoo lights.  It was a simple night surrounded by friends.  We had a blast.  These are the kind of nights I learned to live for while in college.  It wasn't the nights I stayed up cramming for a test or spent exhausted from the day in bed.  Now, I'm not saying that tests, grades, practices, and sports aren't important...they are...but they aren't what defines us in life.  I don't remember what projects I worked on freshman year or the big tests I spent all my time studying for sophomore year.  I don't even remember what would have been considered our 'biggest game' my junior year.  What I do remember are nights like tonight.  Simple nights spent with friends, talking and getting to know each other on a deeper level.  Trips to the zoo and Target and pretending like we were 10 years old again (...except for the fact I got called 'mom').  Earlier this semester I remember spending 2 hours talking to a friend instead of studying for a quiz the next day.  The quiz came and went (I'm not even sure what class it was in) and in 2 weeks, that grade won't matter anymore.  The conversation we had I do remember and is something I will continue to remember.  That's what life is about.  You have to step back and realize that the things surrounding you aren't what's important.  It's the people that you are interacting with. It's those conversations and friendships that you'll remember.  So surround yourself with people that make you happy, make you laugh, and you can have conversations about the meaning of life with.  This will make for the nights that you won't forget and stories that one day you can tell your grandchildren.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Schu. I like this blog idea... keep it up!
