Saturday, February 16, 2013

Life Update: Part #1

As I thought about writing this blog, I was conflicted.  I’ve wanted to do an update blog on how my life has been going and all the awesome things God has done so far.  But before I got that blog wrote, yesterday came along.  Yesterday brought struggles, questions, tears, and what ifs…out of the blue.  But God’s been doing some awesome things, so here’s the first part.

I didn’t know what God had planned for me this semester at home, but I knew if I trusted in Him, it would be something great.  Since FCA was a big part of my time at SLU, I knew I wanted to somehow get involved in the FCA back at home.  I went in to meet with my area representative to see how I could get involved volunteering, one thing led to another, and I ended up accepting a part-time job.  It will last the 10 months I’m at home and is a perfect mix between budgeting and planning (my school background) and camps and huddle groups (where my heart is).  Honestly, I couldn’t have wrote a job description for a more perfect job.  God was 100% in control of this and just so many little things about it prove that it was totally Him. I could go on and on about how perfectly this worked out, but that would take a whole blog.

I also got involved helping out with the Jr. High youth group at my church.  Jr. High is such an interesting age, but I love my small group of 8th grade girls.  There have already been instances where I can see why God placed certain things into my life, especially last semester.  I grew so much from them and can now relate to those going through similar issues.

School is ridiculously hard.  I don’t think I quite knew what I was signing up for.  The amount of readings, research articles, and papers I have is crazy.  I think I’ve learned more in my first month of grad school than maybe my whole undergrad combined (kidding…kind of).  If grad school was more than a year for me, I don’t think I would last.  So my off days are filled with homework, along with my weekends.  It’s making up for all the time I didn’t spend on homework during my undergrad. But, so far all of my classes are going well.  I like most of my teachers, I like most of my class topics, and I’ve finally made friends in my classes.

I’ve been able to visit SLU twice already and see everyone.  This has helped so much.  It is weird every time I go back there (especially when I see someone else living in my old room), but I know I had to move on with my life.  I’ve been able to escape the drama of volleyball (for the most part) and it’s been good for my health, mental and physical.  I’ve almost gotten into normal workout routine and even found a Pilates class I like.  Being on my own and not around many friends, I’ve become independent in a different way.  It’s given me a lot of time to focus on my relationship with God.  I’ve been starting out my mornings with coffee or tea (so grown up!) and reading His Word.  It’s amazing how much I have started to crave the Word and learning more about how to live my life.

God has been working in my life is so many ways.  I’m finally into my weekly routine and have a handle on all of my classes.  My days consist of school, homework, work, and working out, but it keeps me busy and focused.  There are so many little things each day that I could go on about that remind me He does have a plan for me being here, in this situation.  So for the time being, I’m working on putting all of my trust in Him and finding peace in the situations I’m in.

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